Abrv - The Shortening
Old-school text-messaging led to the abbreviation of language. 4 eg u can read this :-)
But some common technology terminology is still spoken in long-form. And when mainstream media highlight a website, they sometimes use a lot of syllables. For example; telling folks to link to this website would sound like:
- h-t-t-p-co-lon-for-ward-slash-for-ward-slash-dou-ble-u-dou-ble-u-dou-ble-u-dou-ble-u-dot-blog-ger-dot-com
29 syllables; most of them protocol; only 4 of them (14%) are site specific.
So, I propose a verbal shortening for some common web words:
- http = hittip
- www = dubtrip
- forward-slash = frash
Audibly this website then becomes:
- hit-tip-co-lon-frash-frash-dub-trip-dot-blog-ger-dot-com
13 syllables; halving the spoken wordage.
Other tech terms could also be shortened:
- back-slash = blash
- hash-tag = tash
- IPv4 = IP4 (we don’t refer to Windows v8 or Mac iOS vX)
- IPv6 = IP6
Every syllable counts! (Save time = save energy)
Thumbs Up
frash and blash are already listed in Urban Dictionary; but I’ve added these technology terms as alternate meanings. Feel free to give them thumbs up (no login required).