
Tim Simaile

Puzzle solving with engagement and documentation

Goal-oriented and experienced educator and IT professional, with proven ability to initiate, plan, and implement teaching and technical projects. Able to lead critical teams through problem analysis and data integration, and develop solutions and document references for technical users and customer training.


SCU logo Southern Cross University, NSW AU

NSW Eduation logo NSW Education, NSW AU

UNE logo University of New England, NSW AU

UWA logo University of Western Australia, WA AU

Boyne Smelters logo Boyne Smelters, QLD AU


UNE logo University of New England, NSW AU

UQ logo University of Queensland, QLD AU

TSHS logo Toolooa State High, QLD AU

Skills and Courses

Duolingo logo Duolingo

LinkedIn logo LinkedIn Learning

Microsoft logo Microsoft

dbt logo dbt

CSU logo Charles Sturt University and ITM logo IT Masters

HackerRank logo HackerRank

Elastic logo Elastic

Boomi logo Dell Boomi

Safety Corp logo Safety Corp

NSW Education logo NSW Education
